Etched in Time |72" x 24" | Ink & Oil on Canvas  | Framed: 73.5" x 25.5"

Sentinal  |72" x 24" | Ink & Oil on Canvas

Moon Dance | 72" x 24" | Ink & Oil on Canvas

Tomorrow |72" x 24" | Ink & Oil on Canvas | Framed: 73.5" x 25.5"

Alluvial Plain |72" x 24" | Ink & Oil on Canvas | Framed: 73.5" x 25.5"

Zephyr |72" x 24" | Ink & Oil on Canvas

Taos Valley, New Mexico, Canyons

Time Passage: New Mexico   | 22.25" x 7.5" | Pen & Ink on Paper

Sedona red rocks at sunset show the power of the canyons in Arizona.

Time Passage: Arizona | 22.25" x 7.5" | Pen & Ink on Paper

Patagonia: the effect of overflowing riverbanks on the lush richness in the glacial valley

Time Passage: Patagonia  |   22.25" x 7.5" | Pen & Ink on Paper

Sedona, Arizona. Sometimes its easy to overlook hidden wonders. A burst of life in dry desert canyon rock.

Time Passage: Sedona, AZ | 22.25" x 7.5" | Pen & Ink on Paper

Carmel, 11/30/20, 5:39 PM,  8C, 5224x13325 (2672+0), 125%, 2619,  1/15 s, R92.2, G66.2, B81.7

Time Passage: Carmel | 22.25" x 7.5" | Pen & Ink on Paper, 

Copyright ©2021 Andrea Guay
All rights reserved
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